How To Borrow Books


Who Can Register for a Library Card/Bookmark?

Concord Seventh-day Adventist church members and their immediate family members, and by non-members who are attending church regularly.


Who is not eligible to borrow books and materials? 

Visitors;  friends or family from out of town; members of other Adventist churches in our district, state or conference.  

No one may check out any materials from the Library in order to loan it to someone else who does not meet these requirements.

Adults, children and teens under 18, must register and receive a Library Card in order to use the Library. Parents or guardians are required to fill out their contact information on their children's registration.


Library Cards also serve as bookmarks.

Children are encouraged to check out books on their own Library Cards. 

There are plans in the works to create incentives to READ.


Using the Library

If the Library is OPEN, but there is no Librarian, or Librarian Assistant, in attendance, please wait until they return. They are in the building somewhere.

If the Library is CLOSED, even if you have a key, you may not enter and take any materials, nor check out any books or DVD's.

Volunteer librarian assistants may check out a book for you during closed times.   We are looking for volunteers! 

 There is NO Self Check out. 


Your Library Card/Bookmark goes in your borrowed book or DVD, as a reminder to YOU when they are to be returned. Don't lose your Library Card!


Reserve a book or DVD

If you forget to bring back your Library Card, you can reserve a book or DVD for up to a week.

If the book or DVD you want is already checked out, you can Reserve it to be next in line.


All of the changes in the library are to create accountability and prevent books and DVDs from being taken and not returned.